
Sunday 1 September 2024


Mick again making parts for HC38's lubricator linkage
Trevor cutting sections from Horden's old crankpins .....
..... to make spacers to correct Stanley's sagging buffer heads
Jim boring a plug for boiler filling while hydraulic pressure testing
A bare-looking ET platform on a dull day
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
Andy & David on the fireman's side of Horden
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
Chris the driver
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
Ready to leave .....
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
..... once Thomas has shown his green flag
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
Next trip, Irene is getting the tea carriage ready on her own today
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
Thomas & Steve checking their train .....
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
..... before Thomas shows the flag
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
At Andrews House, Irene relaxes after getting the tables ready
Thomas getting a response from David to his flag 
James & Lewis shovelling coal forward at Andrews House
John sawing a panel for 456
Nigel manning ET shop
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
After the train has gone, a video will have to do
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)


Lynn_Morton said...

Ah, coach 456. It's the first time in ages I've heard from that. How's the restoration coming along?

TRBlogMaster said...

456 is progressing, but there's much to do. It would be best if someone involved with the restoration commented.