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Monday, 30 April 2012

Misty Monday

Blog news - page views have passed 6500 per month in April.

Planned work matched the weather forecast of a sunny 17C - we got a misty damp 8C.

Malcolm and Malcolm turning out 90 lb/yd 30' BH rails
Malcolm and Malcolm turning out a 90 lb/yd 30' BH rail

Sunday, 29 April 2012

More from a Wet Sunday

Stu Armstrong was working around the site, and took these photos of :

The train crew in action:

Work Around the Site

Ian H taking Cochrane onto the main line at Terrace Junction at the start of the day
Ian H taking Cochrane onto the main line
at Terrace Junction at the start of the day

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Tomorrow's Trains on the Tanfield Light Raiway

Sir Cecil Algernon Cochrane will take trains from Andrews House to Sunniside, Causey and East Tanfield at 11, 12.15, 1.30, 2.45 and 4 pm.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Light Railway .....

..... every day at Tanfield Railway.   Some shots of last weekend's event kindly submitted by several photographers.

AS - Adam Saunders; CC - Carl Chambers; CH - Chris Heighton; KS - Ken Snowdon; SA - Stu Armstrong


John continuing the scheduled inspection of electrical systems
John continuing the inspection of electrical systems

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Mainly EHSI Presentation

Ronnie marking out the new brake blocks for the Husky
Ronnie marking out the new brake blocks for the Husky

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Wednesday Work

Geoff and Bill cleaning up No.6's boiler plugs and mudhole doors:

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Tuesday at Tanfield

John (assisted by Les) continued electrical testing, Brian and Ronnie worked on the telehandler, Vic was tidying the site, Alan cleaned the carriages, while Rob, Ken and Ryan were out planting signs :

Monday, 23 April 2012

Monday - Start of Another Wet Week

Captain Baxter has been taken away by Dave Antell, next stop Locomotion at Shildon :

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Sunday at the Tanfield Light Railway

More shots of a wet weekend ..... please send photos of people working if you took any .....

The three steamers being prepared, with Tom on Cochrane
The three steamers being prepared, with Tom on Cochrane

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Working at a Light Railway

James working on Cochrane's new oilpots (photos courtesy of Richard Charlton) :

Friday, 20 April 2012

Trains on Light Railway Weekend

Mixed trains will leave Andrews House station between approx 10.30 amd 4.30 this Saturday and Sunday.   Locos in use will be AW No.2, Cochrane, and Captain Baxter (from the Bluebell Railway) - it'll be the Tanfield Railway 4 wheeler weekend!

Mark preparing to steam Baxter and Cochrane
Mark preparing to steam Baxter and Cochrane

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Continued Work

Jim making oil pots for Cochrane and No.2
Jim making oil pots for Cochrane and No.2

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

General Work

The cold and wet weather later today meant that several smaller jobs were tackled rather than larger scale work outside.   For example shunting carriages ready for the Light Railway weekend, adjusting carriage brakes, and checking and adjusting point rodding from the signalbox.   Some other jobs are depicted below.

Vic trying to improve the surface in the stocking ground
Vic improving the surface in the stocking ground

Monday, 16 April 2012

Some Monday Workers

Vic shaping the batter at the back of the carriage shed
Vic shaping the batter at the back of the carriage shed

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Saturday in Marley Hill Shed

Bob and Neil repairing the air sanders on Armstrong Whitworth No.2.   (Colur photos courtesy of Carl Chambers, mono from Stu Armstrong.)

Tomorrow's Trains

No.6 will haul trains from Andrews House at 11, 12.15, 1.30, 2.45 and 4 pm, to Sunniside, Causey Arch, East Tanfield and return.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

More Photos from Easter

All photographs taken on Easter Monday afternoon, copyright and courtesy of Carl Chambers.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Tuesday's varied work

Day one of the new fence between Sunniside and Bowes Bridge

Monday, 9 April 2012

Easter Monday

Tank top view of No.6 entering Andrews House
Tank top view of No.6 entering Andrews House

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Saturday at Causey Level Crossing

Renishaw Ironworks No.6 heads north past Causey level crossing
No.6 heads north past Causey Level Crossing
(photo courtesy of Adam Saunders)

Easter Saturday

Henry giving the Armstrong Whitworth no 2 a shine

Friday, 6 April 2012

Good Friday

Please send any photographs of people taken over Easter to -->, for publication on the blog.

Matthew cleaning Renishaw Ironworks No.6 at the start of the day
Matthew cleaning No.6 at the start of the day

Easter Weekend Trains

Friday 6 April - No.6 with carriages 5, 6, 7, 8 - trains at 11, 12.15, 1.30, 2.45, 4
Saturday 7 April - No.6 with carriages 5, 6, 7, 8 - trains at 11, 12.15, 1.30, 2.45, 4
Sunday 8 April - Cochrane or No.6 on trains at 11, 11.50, 12.30, 1.15, 2, 2.45, 3.30, 4.15
Monday 9 April - Cochrane or No.6 on trains at 11, 11.50, 12.30, 1.15, 2, 2.45, 3.30, 4.15

The times of all trains are from Andrews House station; add about 10 minutes for Sunniside, 30 minutes for Causey, 40 minutes for East Tanfield.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Wet Tuesday

Malcolm and Henry erecting whistle signs at East Tanfield

Monday, 2 April 2012

Todays Work

Ian, Angela and Steve discussing the setting up of the levers
in the signal box, prior to fitting the compensator.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Some Sunday Work

Renishaw Ironworks No.6 leaving East Tanfield
No.6 leaving East Tanfield with the first train
(photo courtesy of Neville Whaler)