
Sunday 9 June 2024


A similar viewpoint within MH shed to one from last night .....
..... but with a part-cleared floor
Featuring Tom's land rover .....
..... in the NE corner
Jim preparing to machine a crosshead slipper for HC 38
Lewis cleaning Twizell's ashpan to ready it for painting
At Andrews House, Richard checking 49's oil pump
Andy checking the injector overflow
Andrew & Euan passing
approaching Terrace Junction
(photo courtesy of John Turnock)
Frank watering plants in the baskets at Andrews House
Andrew's flag being acknowledged by Andy
Entering Bowes Bridge .....
(photo courtesy of John Turnock)
..... & leaving past the coaling ramp
(photo courtesy of John Turnock)
The last train of the day on Causey East Incline
(photo courtesy of John Turnock)

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