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Friday, 21 February 2025

Andrews House Colliery Remains

Andrews House Colliery, as re-established alongside Marley Hill Colliery by Bowes & Partners in 1840, was to the south west of MH shed & would be connected to the Pontop & Jarrow Railway.   However, like Marley Hill, it originally spanned several pits in the same area, with coal being taken down the Tanfield Waggonway (read Sunniside History Group web).   AH Colliery closed in 1920.   Remains of the colliery have recently become more evident - photos below.
Stonework from AH Colliery winding house revealed
The concrete cap over AH pit shaft is in the foreground;
yonder trees surround the footprint of the winding house
Remains of the boiler house chimney base
A culvert under the winding house, perhaps to take surface water away from the shaft
This photo was taken looking eastwards.
The winding house is in the left middle of this photo;
the capped shaft is under the pit head wheel;
the chimney base is of the LH chimney;
the waggons are on the line under the drops
which heads NE (left) on the SE side of MH shed.
(photo courtesy of Sunniside Local History Society)
Andrews House Colliery in relation to the P&JR (top), MH shed & Tanfield Branch
(Segment of 1895 OS 25" map from of National Library of Scotland )

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