
Sunday 17 August 2014

Usual Sunday

George oiling HL No.2
Luke cleaning No.2
Angela checking the boiler water level
Matthew opening Causey Crossing gates for the works train
David shunting .....
..... at East Tanfield
The first train of the day arrives at Causey .....
.....and the public watch the shunting movement
Angela & George on No.2
David, works rain guard, keeps an eye out
David & David loading chairs .....
 ..... assisted by Steve, John & Colin
Steve removing keys
One of the many butterflies at East Tanfield
- a Peacock missing a pair of eyes
Steve, Ian, David & David spreading ballast.
ready for the jacker packer
Members of a coach trip photograph No.2 at Causey
Peter describing Causey Arch for his audience
- just like that
The bus trip reembark on the last train
Dave the guard; Matthew checking a passing door handle at Causey Crossing

Alan picks up the token from Angela in preparation
for the shunt of the empty stock into the carriage shed
Owen at the shotblast cabinet
Angela replacing
No.2's flapper door