
Sunday 4 August 2024


Peter working on details of a handbrake screw for Wellington
Jim making a boiler plug for Twizell
Trevor & Logan working on flange joints in No.2's smokebox
Andy removing dents from Twizell's dome cover
Richard & David fitting a spectacle on Twizell
Team talk at ET with Martin, Susan, Nigel & Dorothy
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
Run round & ready to go
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
Platform scene at ET, with Steve talking with a visitor
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
Martin striding along the length of the train
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
Martin & Irene discussing catering
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
A guard flagging his train away from Andrews House
Steve keeping an eye on AH west platform as his train heads for Sunniside
Before leaving AH east Callum checks No.5 signal & acknowledges Steve's flag

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