
Sunday 18 August 2024


Ryan checking & tightening Horden's horn stay bolts
John glueing a crack in a hardwood panel from 456
 Jim making a fitted bolt for HC38
Mick measuring linkage for HC 38's Wakefield lubricators
Jonny working on Ross pop valves
to be temporarily refitted on Twizell
Andrews House staff luncheon
49 passing Terrace Junction
(photo courtesy of John Turnock)
The southbound return entering Andrews House
Louis, George & David await a green flag
Thomas checks behind as the train leaves Andrews House
Ryan making a cylinder cover gasket for HL No.2
Lewis easing bolt holes on a drive plate for HC 38's oil pump linkage
George & Guy exchanging tokens as the train heads for Sunniside
49 passing Bowes Bridge
(photo courtesy of John Turnock)
Thomas gives a wave under Philip's watchful eye
The northbound return ascends Causey East Incline
(photo courtesy of John Turnock)
Richard discussing pop valve operation with Jonny, Alex & Lewis
Putting carriage No.9 away at the end of the day

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