
Thursday 29 August 2024


Passengers waiting for the train in the sun at East Tanfield
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
HL No.2 waits to leave ET, with John & Peter among the platform staff
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
Euan demonstrating guards' dance moves to get the attention of the loco crew
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
At Marley Hill, Steve begins inspecting & refurbishing a workshop jack
Ian & Logan taking the W iron & axlebox from a long-stored waggon wheel set
Mick making more lubrication linkage for HC 38
Jim maching a spindle for Twizell
Dennis cutting hooks for traces for a replica chaldron waggon
Callum, Barry & Andrew repairing the drive to No.15 signal
Another train getting ready to leave East Tanfield
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
Luke & Matthew are No.2's crew today
Euan calmly signalling departure from Andrews House

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