
Wednesday 7 August 2024


Colin & Martin making a top for a counter .....
..... loading for transport .....
..... to the welcome hut, where they trial fit their system
Barry, Jeff & Cameron on lights in the 5 road shed .....
..... & checking fittings & lamps
Ian remarking the boundary of the Causey demo waggonway site
(photo courtesy of Angela Pickering)
Roger assembling a cupboard .....
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
..... alongside Dave
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
Terry mixing a screed .....
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
..... for the floor of Pontop Canteen
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
Richard polishing one of Twizell's cab spectacles
Angela & Ian working on the lubricator
Eric & James making a link rod for HC 38's sanding gear
Tom fitting a lubricator drive to 38's LH crosshead
Andy & David removing HC 38's foundation ring rivets
Andy drilling out another

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