
Wednesday 28 August 2024


M2's tender chassis being loaded alongside MH shed
Ian & Stewart watching the move
Reversing the trailer around the front of the shed .....
..... up the bank .....
..... & around a tight turn next to the welcome hut
Lowering the chassis into a temporary position on BH rail laid flat (3'6" gauge)
Roger cutting wall cladding to fit around sockets in MH carriage shed
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
Dave dealing with sockets
(photo courtesy of Geoff Lowe)
Terry replacing tile haunching on AH station
(photo courtesy of Barry Duncan)
Terry ensuring that the roof ladder is secure .....
(photo courtesy of Barry Duncan)
..... for Barry to do his bit
(photo courtesy of Barry Duncan)
James & Ryan removing ash used for moving the chassis
A waggonload of fill for the end of AH east platform
(photo courtesy of Barry Duncan)
Logan removing large rocks from the fill, Ian sprinking, Stewart on the shovel
Ian spreading sand & fill
Filling the bucket with excess
Richard & Logan clearing the waggon
Sarah sanding Twizell's tank before painting
Richard expanding pipe to make a joint


TrainDan1989 said...

Is M2 going to be plinthed on the site ?

TRBlogMaster said...

The tender & M2 are in the way of shed development at Marley Hill, so they're being moved elsewhere on site.